Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine | JRTM - The Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine (JRTM) is a Bimonthly online peer reviewed international journal.

  • About the Journal | Bimonthly Peer Reviewed Journal | JRTM - JRTM is an open access, bimonthly peer reviewed journal on scientific research on various traditional medicine practiced worldwide.
  • Publication Ethics | Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine | JRTM - Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine - JRTM has put all efforts to publish the journal in ethical manner and follow COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines on publication ethics.
  • Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine | Current Issue - The Journal of research in Traditional medicine (JRTM) publishes 6 issues in a year by the second week of every alternate months.
  • Online Manuscript Submission | JRTM - JRTM is equipped with online manuscript processing system. Submit and track the progress of articles up to the stage of final publication with ease.
  • Contact Us | Journal of Traditional & Herbal Medicines | JRTM - For fastest answer to your query, please fill the form below select the most appropriate option below according to the reason why you wish to contact us.

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  • Jeanie McCoy - Software would not download, so tried on new computer ...

    Software would not download, so tried on new computer out of box, still would not download, they have all kinds of fixes for this, no go, I returned it with no problem

  • J. Rogowski - Easy, Lightweight, Perfect for Travel

    This stroller truly is light weight and compact. I was skeptical about how easy it would be to fold it up, but I shouldn't have been worried. Although I can fold it up while holding my 1 year old, it isn't that easy - it is, however, very easy to fold it with two hands. It is easy to push and maneuver, and super easy to get my squirmy son strapped in - only two things to snap into the harness, and the connection is large and simple so there is no fumbling around. The canopy stretches out a little farther than other strollers I've had. The "basket" on the bottom isn't very easy to slip items into; it is more of a large mesh bag - but it does hold things securely. When I fold it up nothing falls out. And there is a smaller mesh bag close to the handlebar which is the perfect size for your keys and phone. The handlebar is high enough for me to use easily, and I am 5'8".