Histopath Lab - Fully licensed CLIA laboratory - slide preparation, complete diagnostic and consultation services to physicians nationwide - customized laboratory services - Lecanto FL - Histopath Lab is a fully licensed CLIA laboratory that has been providing slide preparation, complete diagnostic, and consultation services to physicians nationwide since 1991. Our commitment is to provide you with the highest quality, customized laboratory services along with the prompt, personalized attention that you and your patients deserve. If you are looking to build a relationship with a laboratory that is focused on your needs while helping to maximize your practice's revenue, then Histopath Lab is the right choice for you.

Country:, North America, US

City: -82.5303 Florida, United States

  • J. Kinyon - Do not fly

    The toy works perfectly, but all my son's action figures appear to be on a "no fly" list, even the birds.

  • Silly 501 - Great buy, easy to install. cheaper than dealerships.

    Great saving compared with dealership. Easily installed. No instructions were included but I searched online and found exact details and a you-tube piece on installation and how to avoid the pitfalls. Perfectly installed by me, a woman ( who is not mechanically minded) in just under 20 min. Yay!